Dec 13, 2010

The Westron Church

The main sites of human civilization in the Valley are populated by people who migrated into the valley from the west, over a thousand years ago.  Their culture is, collectively, known as the Westroners.  Details of their history or origin before they migrated into the Valley are hazy, at best.

One of the defining things about the Westroners, is the fact that most of the aspects of their religion come from a single church structure.  That is not to say that it is simple, or monotheistic, but it is all one church.

The main objects of worship of the Westron Church (as it is known) are three goddesses.  These are Nadene, Magenta, and Corrise.  In addition, there are a few other demigods and demigoddesses, and a large body of saints and scions.

In tone, it is the equivalent of the Roman Catholic church at the height of its medieval power (say, 13th century, prior to the period of the Avignon Papacy).  It is reigned over by a body of five very high level clerics.  There are three Theurges (which are the high priest or priestess in the service of each of the three goddesses), as well as the Patriarch and the Matriarch.  This body of five, known as the High Office, rule over a complicated bureaucracy that is split into two halves.  There is a Patriarchy, which has a hierarchy of male clerics overseeing the external affairs of the church (military orders, missions, proselytizing orders, etc), and there is a Matriarchy which is composed of female clerics that oversee largely internal affairs (education, ministration orders, charity, finance, etc).  The lead members of each of these two halves of the bureaucracy are the two that sit in the High Office with the three Theurges.

For Player Characters, the key aspect of the church are the many different orders that they can have Priests or Paladins from.  These are listed here, but will be detailed more later. The organization is related to which of the three goddesses each order is most closely related.  The Paladin orders were detailed in an earlier post, but are recalled again here where appropriate.

Nadene - goddess of Fertility
  • Kyclos - demigod of the cycle of life, consort of Nadene; Brown Order of Druids
  • St. Horace - patron saint of animals
  • Mother Kimber - patron saint of birth and children
  • St. Leiathar - patron saint of weather
  • St. Jasper - patron saint of strength and rocks
  • Brother Ian - patron saint of knowledge and fire
  • St. Ellain - patron saint of art and water
  • Sister Silpha - patron saint of travel and air
Magenta - goddess of Magic
  • Kostamus - demigod of the sun, lover of Magenta
  • St. Brigid - patron saint of healing and the sick
  • St. Kelvin - patron saint of light
  • St. Gianna - patron saint of oracles
  • Poritia Nove - demigoddess of the White Moon; Paladins of the White Lady
  • Veltin Crimsea - demigoddess of the Red Moon
  • Argina Lustar - demigoddess of the Golden Moon
  • Noxecatt - demigoddess of the underworld and darkness - NOT officially part of the church
  • Dralizar - demigod of thieves and the night - NOT officially part of the church
Corrise - goddess of Agriculture
  • Green Man - demigod of vegetation and plants, husband of Corrise; Green Order of Druids
  • St. Ermo - patron saint of the earth and building
  • Brother Rudiger - patron saint of home and community; Paladins of the Hearth
  • St. Lilliane - patron saint of orphans and the dispossessed; affiliated with the Brotherhood of the Sword paladins
  • St. Varina - patron saint of vineyards and wine
  • St. Norena - patron saint of fire and comfort
  • Olimo Vis - demigoddess of Autumn and the harvest
  • Elongar Suu - demigod of Summer and growth
  • Neuvirra Oss - demigoddess of Spring and the planting
  • Frigia Nor - demigod of Winter and feasting

Although the two twin demigods of Noxecatt and Dralizar are listed under Magenta, their worship is distinctly not part of the Church structure. They are listed here, simply because of their relationship to Magenta (who, according to myth, mothered the two twins after her adulterous affair with the prince of devils, Baxilar).

The two Druidical orders (the Brown and the Green) are listed here with their affiliation with the church. That affiliation is at times extremely tenuous, however there is a third order of Druids that has absolutely no ties with the church - the Silver Order.

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