Jan 22, 2011

Regions of the Valley (2) - Enchanted Forests

This is the second northern region, covering the area from the Durwash River to the Lost Mare. It stretches north to the Destriel Mountains, and on the south it is bounded by the Great River. The King's Highway traverses the region from west to east, and provides a strong barrier to north/south travel.

Within the region is the entrance to the legendary Groben Caves. The icy upper levels of the Groben are home to any number of terrifying hairy beasts, as well as small groups of human primitives named the Oordut people. Shaman-Chiefs of the Oordut are known to ride the giant cave bears that haunt the region, and the savage women of the tribes often hunt the elusive cave wumpus. These mysterious caverns are vast, and stretch for miles and miles. They have deep levels that go down to the warring domains of the Gray Dwarven Kingdom of Deep Delving and the vast Black Goblin Empire.

The region takes its name from the three large forests in the area, the Black Fern Forest, the Woodrose Forest, and the Garrant Woods. Both the Black Fern and the Woodrose are home to many elves and other faery, and are also the site of several portals to the Seely Realms. The Garrant Woods are home to Highbark Much, a grove containing an ancient Druidic stone circle, now the meeting grounds for a band of Green Druids. Constructed near the site is also a shrine to Corrise. There are several small towns of woodland Gnomes. All of these things combined would be enough to scare off the average human peasant or villager who might think of penetrating these enchanted woods for wood gathering or charcoal burning, however the inhabitant that really keeps them away is the elder Green Dragon named Itre Khuulor (so called by the Wood Elves; none know the Dragon's true name).

In addition to the Caves and the Forests, the other major feature of the region is the Barony of Ockham. Currently the barony is occupied by Annalandra Sternhite. The Sternhites have ruled Ockham for the past 8 generations, having taken over the post by right of conquest (Baron Routhar preceded Mandar Sternhite, but Mandar killed the crazed wizard-baron when he attempted to kill all of the women in the barony). Annalandra is the second consecutive woman to be Baroness of Ockham, her mother Annalark preceded her.

Ockham is known for some rather spectacular sites. First, of course, is the home of illusionist magic, the "School for Mastery of the Illusionary Arts", a shape changing castle that floats in mid air above the Eyning Pool. Second is the "Bardic School of the Arts" in mysterious Larkstone Castle.

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